Bedwetting teenagers face a tremendous amount of embarrassment and frustration on an almost daily basis and the worst part of it is that most of the time, they are suffering in silence. Because bedwetting is so embarrassing, most teens are loathe to discuss it, instead keeping the feelings to themselves and actually exacerbating the situation. Fortunately for these teens and there parents there are ways to prevent this needless suffering.
The teen years are tough enough, with mounting peer pressure and the need to fit in, and having a bedwetting problem only serves to make things that much more difficult. Teens will go to great lengths to keep their friends from knowing about the problem and often that means missing out on many regular activities such as overnight class trips or sleepovers. Teen bedwetting can become a stumbling block but it doesn’t have to be that way.
When it comes to addressing the subject of bedwetting teenagers, it is important to realize that in most cases, bedwetting is the direct result of a medical condition. Bladder infection, underdevelopment of the muscles that control the bladder, or even diabetes can be causes of bedwetting, so it is critical that parents always take bedwetting among older children and teens very seriously. The first thing to do when you detect a bedwetting problem is to get your child to the doctor for a proper diagnosis.
Once the doctor has determined the cause of the problem, steps can be taken to control it and even overcome it. Teen bedwetting does not have to be a permanent issue, it can be managed either with medication if a medical condition is the cause or with other steps including diapers and bedwetting alarms. Diapers and alarms can provide a quick fix and can be enough to allow your child the ability to enjoy regular activities without feeling self conscious, but they are never a long term answer.
Particularly among teenagers, bedwetting can sometimes have a psychological cause rather than a medical one. Bedwetting can be a direct response to stress or emotional upset and since teens are naturally going through a period of heavy stress, bedwetting can be an inevitable result. Bedwetting teenagers should never be made to feel guilty or ashamed of their problem. The more you can do to help them understand that it is a common reaction, the easier it will be for them to overcome it.
One way to help address the emotional causes of teen bedwetting is by encouraging your teen to keep a sleep journal. When they have an incident of bedwetting, get them to write down everything that happened the previous day. Over time, by consulting the journal you might be able to target exactly what is triggering the incidences of bedwetting and help your child to deal with these issues.
The other step parents can take to help bedwetting teenagers is to make sure that the whole family is aware of the facts regarding bedwetting so that it is not treated as a source of shame or ridicule. Help your child to realize that they have nothing to be embarrassed about and that there are steps which you can all take to address the problem. This can help ease your teen’s mind and potentially reduce the emotional toll bedwetting can take.
Nobody likes to deal with the issue of teen bedwetting, but the more you can remove the stigma from it, the better off you and your child will be. This shouldn’t have to be something your teen suffers in silence. Get them the help they need to put bedwetting behind them and regain control of their lives and you’ll all feel better for it.
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