There are many sleep remedies and sleep aid products available to help you depending on the cause of your problem. However, sleep disorders aside for now, there are several categories of treatments that can help.

If your insomnia is severe or your difficulty with falling asleep is related to another medical disorder we always recommend seeing your doctor or a sleep disorder specialist to find out what options are available. Recommendations may include an evaluation at a sleep disorder clinic.

Let’s look at some of the more common sleep remedies…

Preparing ingredients for Chamomile Tea which is a natural sleep aid remedy

Natural Sleep Aids

Most of us would prefer to not have to take presciption medications that often have serious side effects. Fortunately, there are many natural sleep remedies that don’t include drugs.


Preparing to brew Valerian Root tea for better sleep and relaxation.

Herbal Sleep Remedies

Herbal sleep aids have been with us for thousands of years and they still provide some of the best alternatives to pharmaceutical sleep medications. It is important to find the best quality herbal sleep aids to ensure you receive the dosage you expect.



Over-The-Counter (OTC) Sleep Treatments

Over-the-counter sleep treatments can provide short-term relief from insomnia, but you should be aware of the risks involved and consider alternatives to using OTC sleep aids. Just because they are available without a prescription does not mean they are 100% safe.



My sister has chronic insomnia so she takes prescription sleep aids to get some sleep.

Prescription Sleep Aids

If your sleep disturbance or sleep disorder is more serious you may need to take prescription sleep medications. As with all sleep medications, it is important to follow your physician’s advise and learn about the side effects and precautions to take.



My friend is fast asleep and snoring loudly

Snoring Remedies

Snoring can be a warning sign of more serious conditions, such as sleep apnea, and can disrupt sleep for not only for the one who snores but everyone within earshot too. Fortunately, there are snoring remedies and stop snoring exercises available that can help



My friend will use a CPAP mask, a sleep apnea aid recommended by her doctor.

Sleep Apnea Aids

There are a number of sleep apnea supplies on the market today that can be relied on to relieve this condition. Therefore, if you’re one of the over twelve million Americans affected by sleep apnea, you can “rest assured” that your condition can be controlled.



My friend feeling stressed as he is suffering from insomnia

Insomnia Treatments

If you are battling insomnia, you should investigate all the insomnia treatments available and try to find one which works for you. Since the causes and symptoms of insomnia differ so to will the results you get from the different insomnia medications.

My friend feeling relaxed thanks to aromatherapy which helps her fall asleep faster and longer

Aromatherapy Guide

Aromatherapy utilizes scents from essential oils which can aid in improving sleep duration and quality. Although it doesn’t cure insomnia, certain essential oils with soothing and calming properties can help individuals fall asleep faster and maintain longer sleep, meeting their body’s sleep needs effectively.


My brother sleeping soundly thanks to natural sleep aids

Best Sleep Aids

What’s the Best Sleep Aid? Read the best sleep aid tips sent in by our readers, and submit your own!



The therapist observing my friend undergoing hypnotherapy as he is experiencing trouble with sleeping.

Hypnosis and Sleep

Hypnosis can help you successfully deal with sleep disturbances. For example, hypnosis for insomnia and bedwetting hypnosis programs are available that can assist in getting at the underlying subconscious beliefs.



I'm trying to get 8 hours of undisturbed sleep using homeopathic sleep aids.

Sleep Masks

What Sleep Mask Options Are Available? Sleep masks come in a variety of models. Find the eye mask for sleeping that suits your needs.


Buckwheat Hull Pillows

Buckwheat Hull Pillows have many advantages over other pillows. The best buckwheat pillows like the Makura Pillow are a wise investment in comfort.



White Noise Machines / Music For Sleep

White Noise Machine could prove to be a very worthwile investment by helping to improve your sleep at home and your productivity in the office by reducing distractions.



My friend using the NightWave for the first time in attempt to cure his insomnia.

Miscellaneous Sleep Aids